
All Is Definitely Right With the World (Almost)

First of all, go check out this site for Horizontal Action magazine. It's all about electric sex rock n' roll. Their next issue is going to feature an article about Human Eye (see post wayyyy below), and they're going to use a picture (not the one right below - I didn't take that!, the pic in the Human Eye post in the archives) that I took for the article.

Second, do yourself a favor, and go out and buy the Kids In the Hall first season DVD set. Yeah, it's $60, but wouldn't you rather go sober for a coupla nights so that you can enjoy these discs forever? Makes sense to me.

Third, we have our internet connection at home once again. I still think Comcast is the devil, but they're not as bad as they once were. You just have to know which buttons to push to get what you want.

Fourth, all is not right with the world because I'm still thinking about Snow White, but I must resist her. I'm glad she's far away in LA, so I can't just drive to her house.

And, last, the temperature didn't go down to freezing all day long today! It's like we're living in Florida or something. Maybe it's true, maybe the hole in the ozone layer really is shrinking, and the gas is being kept in and it's keeping us warm. Right. Next winter will be the first in a 2000 year ice age.

UPDATE: The article for which Horizontal Action will be using my photo is being written by our very own contributing writer Dick Ivy. That's right, kiddies, Dick Ivy's review of the debut Human Eye show will be appearing in Horizontal Action along with a photo that I took. Detroit represents in Chi-town!

Put on a hat it's cold outside!

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