Accident Waiting to Happen
Things bothering me today (like you really care): The $7,000,000,000,000 national debt. George W. Bush and the fact that he will probably be elected again because too many stupid Americans like him for invading Iraq, even if it was under false pretenses. Ralph Nader - his presence in the election is gonna fuck everything up. Winter, its so cold, I just wish it was warm already! I've been waking up at 8am lately without fail, yet I still walk into work (late) a few minutes after 11am every day. Why do we have to rely on cars so much? Where is Detroit's mass transit system? Why can't I take a train up Woodward to 8 Mile, and then a train down 8 Mile to Lahser? It'd be nice. Cheaper, safer, better for the environment and all that. I hope Mexico City enjoys the trolleys we sold them when the Big 3 made mass transit nearly pointless in Detroit. Speaking of the Big 3, GM has announced that they will try to tackle the Asian market. They're running scared. Toyota's creepin' up on them. The Big 3 no longer includes GM, Ford, and Chrysler, Toyota has surpassed Ford and Chrysler. I'd be scared if I was GM, too. Up until recently, GM was the world's biggest company, employing the most people. They still employ the most people, but Wal-Mart is the world's biggest revenue-maker. Sam Walton sold his soul to the devil so that he could one day put all the mom-and-pop stores of the world out of business. Wal-Mart: destroyer of America's idyllic main street and the small town 'downtown' area! Funny, considering that Sam Walton started out with a small-time five-and-dime store in a small town. Thanks to him, those stores barely exist in America. A small part of me misses those small town mainstreets. I grew up in a small town that didn't have an actual main street area. Its actually kinda weird, but the next town over is about four times as big, and they have a main street. A few years ago, the city went and renovated that area to make it look like it once did with cobblestones and all that. A bigger part of me needs urban life. I wish Detroit was more urban. Why can't I get Indian food at 4am in downtown Detroit? Where is our Flash Taco or Underdog or Little Nicky's? One day, when the fabulous ruins of Detroit are gone, I will miss them, but I'll welcome the day when downtown Detroit's ruins will be a memory of urban-spelunking past. That reminds me of something else bothering me, I need to find more. There has to be more beyond the office job, bars on the weekends, and the need to type this shit just to keep myself sane.
the milkman of human kindness
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