
King of Hearts

Last night, I was invited to join a couple of friends to go to a euchre tournament. Apparently, it goes on at the same place every Tuesday. I had no idea what to expect.

It was a little dive bar in Warren (MI) called Victory Inn. It costs us $7 to enter the tournament. There were about 21 or 22 people total.

I know how to play euchre. I know that it's one of those games where people get set in their ways. I also know that people can get worked up about it. I hate those people. Fuck 'em. If I want to lead with the right bower then I'll fucking do it, alright?!?

Entering a tournatment like this is NOT something that I recommend to others. To me, euchre is one of those games that should stay fun. It's something you play when you're drunk and hanging with friends. Not something to get all worked up about. It should be friendly, fun competition, not bitchy and mean.

stop looking at me!

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