
I, For One Would Like to Welcome Our New Insect Overlords

A friend recently pointed out something to me. This is the thing, the actual URL to this website is http://rocknrollscientist.blogspot.com. You don't have to type that to get to the site, because I own the domain name rocknrollscientist.com. So, you can just type in that and get to the site. Or, you can type in the part with 'blogspot'. It doesn't really matter, they'll both take you to the same place. My friend Audrey emailed me yesterday to show me what happens if you accidentally type http://www.rocknrollscientist.blogpot.com. It's a religious site. Christian is the flavor. Right-wing sicko fundamentalist Christian. The real skeery types who go on and on about satan all the time. So, I finally had some time to deal with this today. I emailed them to find out why they're using an URL that is way too close to being the same as mine. This is what I said in the email:

Hello,I have a question. Is there a particular reason why you have chosen to use a URL that is so obviously intended to draw visitors based on people mis-typing the URL to my site? I own the domain rocknrollscientist.com. However, my site can also be reached at rocknrollscientist.blogspot.com. The '.com' URL forwards to the 'blogspot.com' URL. The reason I am irked by this is that I am not Christian, and would rather not be associated with your site. Please don't bother harassing me about my choice of faith, it's none of your business. Please also don't bother praying for me because I don't want your charity. Please just tell me why you are using the URL rocknrollscientist.blogpot.com. Your site obviously has absolutely nothing to do with rock and roll or science, so you are misleading people. One more thing: spell-check and grammar-check are really easy to use in Microsoft Word as well as every other web-page creation application. Look into it. It's too bad there isn't a dogma-check, too, because you need it.

I can't wait to see what they say in their response.

stop looking at me!

1 comment:

j-dub said...

turns out they just own "blogpot.com" so ANY URL that has blogpot.com at the end will go to them. An annoying twist on an old trick used by porn sites in the past (ever see whitehouse.com?)