
Pgymies in Zee Dark

Detroit, like any other somewhat urban city has it's share of music venues that double as art galleries by day. Last night, I went to one of these venues, the Detroit Art Space. Located in Detroit's New Center area, the Art Space is host to many shows that probably wouldn't get a decent venue in the city if it weren't for them. There are similarly sized venues, but the kids wouldn't go to the Shelter to see the Piranhas, that's all there is to it. Last night's show was Human Eye, the Piranhas, and Old Time Relijun (yes, that's the way it's spelled). I've written about Human Eye before in this forum, they're a good art-damaged Chrome-type thing. Of course, the show last night was brutal as usual. The high point of the night was the Piranhas. For the uninitiated, the Piranhas are...different. Drums, bass, guitar, keyboard, and one very emotionally disturbed man writhing around on the floor in front of the stage and throwing garbage cans at audience members. I think he almost killed someone when he was swinging the mic stand. It ain't no schtick, either, most people find it difficult to talk to him under any circumstances. If he'll talk to you. I should tell you that the music itself is good, too, it's just hard to take your eyes off Jaime. The rest of the band is fairly static while he's flailing himself off the stage. They just stand there, but they're a good foil to his theatrics. When the band started out a few years ago, they managed to get themselves banned from every venue they played in town. Jaime likes to break things. Then they broke up, their first album became an underground hit, and they got back together. They no longer break PAs when they play, but the show is just as intense. It's punk rock in it's rawest form. No joke. If you can stand far enough away to not get hurt, you'll be aurally assaulted, anyway, but you'll like it.

TV as eyes...

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