
Malai Kofta's Revenge

...and now, a few words from Adbusters:

Was it when you first heard the polar ice caps were melting? Or when you read that mother's milk is now too toxic for newborns? Maybe it was when you first tasted the sweet, rich flesh of a homegrown tomato? Or when you finally figured out that even if half the people on the planet lived like us, we'd all be dead in 20 years?Those are the ahhh moments when you suddenly see the world anew and realize that there has to be -- we have to find -- another way to live.Buy Nothing Day is one step in that direction. We get together and take a stand against the chronic overconsumption that is the mother of all our ecological, psychological and political problems.On November 26th, we refuse to participate. We flip our routines and discover new angles. We get active in our communities. And some of us go out and create some mayhem.Here's a good place to get started: adbusters.org. See what other people around the world are doing this year. Discover a new way to meet other activists in your city. Visit the Action Pyramid and help make this BND the blast that's heard around the world.

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