
RNC Not Welcome

For those not aware, the Republican National Convention is going on right now, as I type this in New York City. On the first day, Sunday, August 30, almost 500,000 people marched in unified protest against George W. Bush, the "war" (read: occupation) in Iraq, tax breaks for the rich, and the presence of the RNC in a city that is so well-known for being mostly Democrat. I think it's important to note that there were almost as many protesters as there are registered Republican voters in NYC. In a city of 8 million people, 16% of the people are Republican. That's it. Only 16% actually care about this convention. There have been all sorts of violent and mostly non-violent protests since Sunday, and they will continue all throughout the week. The IndyMedia center in NYC has a great site chronicling everything going on there. Check it out.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sticker seen in NYC:

"The next time terrorists blow up something in Crawford, Texas, we're coming *there* and throwing a big party!"

(or something like that)