
She's Nobody's Baby Now

For 23 years, I've wandered this earth with a pair of plastic lenses sitting in front of my eyes. I was always able to ignore the frames and not let them impair my vision. But lately, it seems different. Besides the myriad of personal issues that are suddenly clearer to me (for no apparent reason), I feel like everything I look at through the frames of my glasses has more beauty. It doesn't matter if it's a hooker on the corner by my house saying hi to me as I drive by, or if it's the cute girl I hung out and smoked cigarettes out in the rain with this afternoon, I just feel like everything has newfound beauty to me. I guess this all probably sounds a little cheesy, but I'm totally serious. Maybe it's because my job has become much more interesting lately, and I actually feel like I'm a manager (I should - I am management!). Maybe it's all the interesting new people I've met lately. I don't know, maybe it's all the old friends I saw this weekend who made me think of different times and showed me how much I've evolved. Either way, it seems that I've turned into a true aesthete (one who professes great sensitivity to the beauty of art and nature), I can find the beauty in anything. Okay, I'm done, and for any of you out there who feel the need to make a joke about this, go fuck yourselves, mmmkay.

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