
We Are the World

So, I have a neat thing on this site. If you scroll down the list of links, you'll see a little white box that says "site meter," and a number. This is how I know how many people are viewing the site. Obviously. The site that provides this service includes much, much more info than just the number of people going on the site. I can see what time zone people are accessing from, I can see what OS they use, I can see how long they're viewing the site, and the most interesting thing is that I can tell roughly what country they're in. Don't worry, there's no personal information, I can't steal your identity or anything like that. Up until installing this little feature, I assumed that just my friends are reading all of this. But, I'm starting to notice a few others who are regularly viewing the site. Someone in Taiwan views it on occasion, which is interesting , I know I don't know anyone there. Recently, someone in the Middle East was viewing it, and the most recent person as of this typing was someone in Sweden. So, that being said, I'd like to hear from any foreign visitors. I'm especially interested in Scandinavian music and wouldn't mind talking to someone who lives there. Get in touch, my email address is listed over there near the top of the links list, or you can also access the message board from the same area. Thanks.

...we are the children.

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