
The Medium is the Massage

What am I doing here? Does anyone realize how difficult it is for me to write? Yet I have to do it. I'm not any good at it, and I'm plagued by my fear that every single word is derivative or plagiaristic. This is what happens when one has a somewhat photographic memory. Everything is a reference to an author or an artist or to pop culture. Hey, is it obvious yet? Can you tell that I totally copped my writing style from JD Salinger, Hunter Thompson, and Will Self? Okay, maybe the latter's a bit obscure, but it doesn't make it any less true. How about my normal topics? Music? Yeah, that's obvious. Especially if you know me. Cultural theory and music? Also obvious if you know me, or you've been reading this site for awhile. Hell, the title of this post is the title of a book from Marshall McLuhan (the man responsible for the term 'global village') . Anyone who majored in communications in college and paid attention should know that. So, with that title in mind, does it mean that what I write is less important or soothing than how I write it? Maybe. I don't know. All I know is that I have to do this. I don't need to know that you're reading it. But I wouldn't mind a little feedback now and then. I know my friends read it, but what about others? What about those who have never met me in person? What do y'all think? Am I just fulla shit? Is all of this futile? Are my music reviews boring? I have this need to enlighten people. The gospel must be spread and it ain't got nothin' to do with church. Except the church of rock 'n' roll, maybe. C'mon, I've been waiting all night for a bite of what you got.

I'm a problem child...

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