Cadbury Creme Eggs Make Me Wanna Vomit
I know, I'm a day late. Fuck it. What is the connection? What is the relevance of the Easter Bunny and Christ rising from the grave like a zombie? I can live with the Easter Bunny, and Santa Claus, and the Great Pumpkin, but I have some questions. Why do some Christians get so bent out of shape when people place so much importance in the aforementioned characters because they aren't real, but they follow and worship a man who may indeed have lived, but supposedly committed all kinds of supernatural acts that reach far beyond anything Santa Claus has done. Santa supposedly flies all over the world in the span of one night to deliver toys to children all over the world through their chimneys. The Easter Bunny? He hides multi-colored eggs for delighted children to find. These are harmless myths. But Christ? Gimme a break. Walking on water, turning water into wine (to what end? is getting drunk better than getting hydrated?), and healing the sick by touch are all just ridiculous. Believing in Santa Claus or the Easter Bunny may give you a more positive outlook on life or on peace, but no one puts much into it. Putting all of your faith into the teachings and supernatural meanderings of a man dead for 2000 years is a bit much. Come on, people. I may have a skewed opinion because I wasn't raised with much religion in my life, so maybe I'm too objective. Organized religion has never done much for me. Interesting points are made, especially in the Eastern theologies, but many Christians don't accept those. Buddhists accept Christians, but many Christians think Buddhists are wrong. Interesting, isn't it? When I was 9 or 10, I asked my mom why she made me go to Sunday School. She couldn't give me a good answer, so she stopped making me go. I'll be skeptical til the end, there's no doubt about it. How can anyone possibly think that organized religion is a good idea? If you can't figure out who you are on your own, you can never develop your own personal religion and what's right for you. If you spend too much time in organized religious dogma, you never have a chance to explore others or to find what you really believe. Time here is short, so why would I waste it listening to a bunch of people who would prefer to destroy lovable childhood myths in the name of a zombie?
FOOTNOTE: Don't get me wrong, there are many well-adjusted, normal, interesting, and intelligent people who are Christians. Much of what Christ preached runs along the exact same lines as Buddha, Krsna, Allah, and the various Hindu deities. The Buddhists in particular acknowledge that almost all organized religion preaches the same values. Unfortunately, some interpretations are taken to extremes. Anything taken to an extreme can be dangerous. That's where the problems start. Usually the extremes are reached by religious fundamentalists, like those engaged in war in the Middle East. They're not right or wrong, either, though. Religion is such a vague and abstract thing that there is no right or wrong.
If Christianity's your bag, that's cool, but there's no need to go out and kill abortion doctors in the name of Christ.
Ensuing Darwination...
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