
My Internet Tendency

Every day, there are several different websites that I read like clockwork. I make it a part of my daily routine at work. To me its required. Mandatory, in fact. Especially in a week like today where I'm having a total Office Space style week. I've seriously done maybe a full hour of work all week. Honest.

There are the usual things like Gmail and MySpace, but then I also regularly read and contribute to the DetroitYes forums. I also check out Fark for random news, Drudge Report for more serious news. Oh, also there's Working For Change for leftist political news. There are several different internet comics that I read every day (some are only weekly) like Questionable Content, Diesel Sweeties, Dilbert, Get Your War On, Derf City, Rehabilitating Mr. Wiggles, and the political cartoonist/columnist Ted Rall.

Then there's McSweeney's. I know, I know, I've mentioned it a few times before, but its endlessly witty and entertaining. I can't help it. Plus, a good portion of the content is submitted by readers who 'get' it. They understand what McSweeney's is all about. No, I can't put it into words, so don't ask, just check out the site.

So, I was reading McSweeney's just now and I was checking out the newest 'Open Letters To People Or Entities Who Are Unlikely To Respond'. The latest one was an open letter to someone's Sonicare Toothbrush. I read the whole thing, think its funny, then I see the name and location of the author. Its my friend and fellow blogger J-Dub! So, what you need to do now is go here and check out his submission to McSweeney's, then go and check out his blog The Baby Seal Club. Thank you. Have a nice day.

stop looking at me!

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