Half-Assed Music Review
So, kids, have ya heard the new Hives rekkid? Most of you probably think that the last album, "Veni Vidi, Vicious" was their first one. WRONG. Now, you're probably thinking that it was their best one. ALSO WRONG. Alright, so they had a couple of albums before "VVV," and they were okay. Very rockin', very New Bomb Turks/Crypt Records wannabes. Very, very New Bomb Turks wannabes. That is not the sound of "VVV" or the new one at all. The last album was very poppy, fulla hooks, and quite rockin'. Every song was a winner, even the Curtis Mayfield cover (?!?). This new one, "Tyrannosaurus Hives" blows away "Veni Vidi Vicious." Seriously. Now, you might listen to it at first, and think "this blows," or "it's not as good as the last one." Hold on, there, bub. Listen to it again. Maybe even a third or fourth time. Think about it. The production isn't as slick, the songs are not instant hits, but they're good. So good. Even the Who and James Brown/Screamin' Jay ripoffs are hot. This is a serious album. After the last album, I almost got tired of them. I expected them to pull a Strokes, and put out a second big album with more of the same old, same old. No dice, man. This shit isn't too far removed from "VVV," but there's more meat, a lot more going on. And ya know what? Most stores are selling it for only $10 right now. You could go and set up a download and wait anywhere from an hour to two days for it to finish, or you could just go to your local record shop, pick it up, go without booze for one day, sit back and enjoy. Do it!
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