I, Fuzzbot*
All is not right with the world. It never will be. I don't know why I'm so obsessed with all of this news about how fucked up our government is. I'm usually not one to get so vocal about these kinds of things. Do I want to know that our Vice President (Tricky Dick part II, electric boogaloo) lied about being involved in the decision to choose Halliburton Inc, the company he ran for five years before being veep to rebuild Iraq? It was a no-bid contract! No one else was able to try to get the contract. What do you think he's gonna do when he's not vice president? He's going to go back to running Halli-fucking-burton, that's what! He just made himself 8,000,000,000 dollars! Okay, so I'm sure that even if he did go back to the company, he wouldn't personally make all that money. But...it's just too much. Do I need to know that we live in a country that's saying "up yours" to the UN? Do I need to know that freedom of speech in this country doesn't apply to speaking against the gubbamint? Why is there a movement of shit-ass conservatives fighting to stop the release of Michael Moore's film "Fahrenheit 9/11" from being shown? And, while I'm on the subject, why, oh, why would some Young Republican idiot think that a website about being a "Conservative Punk" is a good idea? Oh, right, 'we're here to educate young punks to make their own decisions and not be biased by the majority of punk sites which are almost always liberal or leftist leaning'. Uh huh. I don't know, maybe it's just me, but I would think that if your goal is to encourage young people to educate themselves and learn more about politics and to make decisions for themselves, then presenting yourself as conservative right up front just seems like a bad idea. By calling your site "Conservative Punk," you're not encouraging people to think for themselves, you're letting them know that you're a Republican and all of your articles and ideas are going to be skewed that way (whether they are or not). Matt Drudge, creator of The Drudge Report is an outspoken and well-known conservative, but you would only know it by reading the articles he writes himself. I'd say maybe 99% of the articles he links to every day are not written by him, they're a balanced view of what's going on. Why do politics bother me? I have bills and a messy room and dinner and my job and women and my music to worry about. I ain't got no time to be worried 'bout all this shit. It's consuming me too much. If I had the time, this site would probably be almost entirely political. Instead, I post articles after I get out of work, and I'm not so riled up anymore. Lucky you.
*listen to Brainiac
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