
Hell is Where the Party's At*

I was just reading Drudge Report today, and I saw that the US is involuntarily calling up approximately 5,600 more soldiers to "fill specific shortages for specific jobs." Nowhere in the article, located here do they mention why there are shortages. Okay, there is the obvious reason: volunteers who have fulfilled their contracts and are now at home. Right, I don't think that's the only reason, I think part of it may be the 849 brave soldiers who have lost their lives in the Iraqi/Afghani "wars" (figures according to Faces of Valor). For some reason, that little bit of information isn't being noted. It's just like Vietnam all over again...a few hundred die, we just pull a few hundred more out of the draft. No big deal. I don't think so. What if they do institute the draft again? There's talk of it, it's not as far-fetched as it sounds. I know I'll be okay either because of the fifteen-inch titanium rod that runs through my femur from my knee to hip or because I'll be a conscientious objector. I'm willing to risk imprisonment over this one. I read something recently about how "60 Minutes" recently ran pictures of all of the soldiers who have died so far in the conflicts/occupations/wars/whatever, and she was saying that the program should run in the background every time Dubya goes in front of a podium to talk shit about how right the US is in what they're doing in the Middle East. She's totally right. If everyone could see how many people have died for oil, would they really want to send more of their friends and family off to die from helicopter accidents and "friendly" fire?

*listen to "It's Choking Me" from Bang Bang

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