
A dog that knows no boundaries vs. my can of PBR

Last night, I was at a barbecue at my friends Janna and Laura's house. I was drinking a can of PBR, and standing on the grass next to the deck. Other friends, Cheryl and Brett were there with their dog Loki, a 7-month old Great Dane puppy. If you're familiar with Great Danes, then you'll know that even at 7-months, he's the size of a small car. This is a very large dog. So, I'm standing there talking to the dog like he's a regular person, it's a weird habit from when I was little. I have my face right up to his, and I was talking to him about the weather. I backed up for a minute, and he swatted my beer right out of my hand. I guess he felt that if he couldn't have a beer, I couldn't either. Keep in mind that he was named after the Norse god Loki, who stood for a world without boundaries. Yeah, exactly.

dogs have feelings, too

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