We have all the pleasures of the world to win, and nothing to lose but our boredom
I've been bad. A friend pointed out today that I've had a rebellious upsurge in my drinking habits lately. She is so right. Everything I did this weekend centered around alcohol or recovering from consuming too much alcohol. It has to stop. Being single and bored in Detroit is not a good combination. I need to lose the boredom. The first step is to set a serious goal for each week. Something that isn't work-related. I'm working on my computer this week, fixing it so it will go faster. The second step is to see at least one film in a theater every week (or weekend). Detroit desperately needs a mainstream theater downtown. The third step is to just not go to the bar. I was good for awhile, but then I let some personal issues drag me down. Those issues have been (mostly) squared away, so I should be good to go again. I'll be so glad when it gets warmer out, so I can ride my bike before work, that will help, too.
If anyone's interested in going to see a movie this week, let me know.
"I'm living in this movie but it doesn't move me"
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