Pay attention, kiddies, the world turns every day, more innocent people are killed over commodities, the forests that give us oxygen are cut down to make room for more McDonald's McCows, people's sexual identities are threatened for being un-Christian, and politicians do whatever they gotta do to stay in power over your life. Go over to the list of links on the right, and check out the first 14 or so. Find out what's going on in your world! The national debt has just topped $7,000,000,000,000 for the first time ever. Thanks, Dubya, what else are you going to do to make my life more difficult in this country? Howard Dean is no longer running for president. John Kerry, who probably will be our next president will be the third richest US president ever. Really, let's face it, if you have to pick a lesser of two evils, it's gonna be Democrat, and if you have to pick between John Edwards and John Kerry, you'd probably pick John Edwards, but he's too nice. He's also not rich enough. This wouldn't be America if we didn't have a rich white guy for a president, right? Speaking of rich white guys who could launch us into nuclear war, and still make money off of it, vice president Dick Cheney's starting to stumble. He actually took a presidential jet out to go duck hunting with Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia just three weeks after the high court agreed to hear a White House appeal in a case involving private meetings of the vice president's energy task force. Scalia is claiming there's no conflict of interest. Right. This is the world we live in. Checks and balances, my ass. Ahhh, it must be great to know you can be president or vice-president and know you can do anything you want. Speaking of puppets and their masters, Disney just bought the Muppets! But, wait, it gets better, Comcast (the evil cable/internet provider) is trying to buy Disney in a hostile takeover bid! Yes, your shitty cable provider could own Kermit and Fozzie, but Bert and Ernie's 'relationship' is safe, all Sesame Street characters are not part of the deal. And, on a lighter (but still serious) note, Johnny Cash's song "Ring of Fire" will not be used in a hemorrhoid cream commercial. Thank God, or whatever deity you wish to deal with. That brings me to the last important story of the day: according to E! Online, the WB is cancelling it's 'vampire-with-a-soul-I'm-so-sad-all-the-time-because-I-want-Buffy-but-so-does-big-bad-Spike' series, "Angel." Now we can all rest better knowing that Joss Whedon (creator of Buffy and Angel) will be without a series on the air for the first time in seven years. It will be okay, stop crying, Angel. Buffy died, and everyone dealt with that, too.
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