
Vibe On!

I ruv you! I ruv you! I ruv you!

Engrish is funny. Go and find the song "Girlfriend" from Thee Michelle Gun Elephant. This song is so f&^king good. I just wish they said "I love you" in the chorus instead of "I ruv you." In fact, go and find everything you can from TMGE. The easiest would be their most recent record, "Rodeo Tandem Beat Specter," or "Collection," which is obviously a collection. I can't easily explain their sound. They call it Maximum Rockin' Blues, which is a good Who reference, because they're definitely similar to "Who's Next" era Who with the power of their sound. It's mostly hard-rock type stuff. Very bluesy at times. In fact, as far as Japanese rock n roll is concerned, imagine the rockin' sound of Guitar Wolf crossed with the blues of the King Brothers crossed with the punk attitude of Teengenerate. Oh, and it's well-recorded, unlike most of the Japanese punk rock 'n' roll stuff. I'd link to their official site, but it's in Japanese and most people don't keep that character set on their computers. This is a link to their US label's band page.

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